Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grey Matter

I wrote you a love letter on a black paper with a black crayon. I let my feelings linger in the air before they tickled my finger tips and initiated repetitious scribblings of a beating heart.

I listened to the humming of an ancient song coming from your ageless soul. You could not read my letter, you said. A blank page against a dark sky. Not even the stars would smile.

I wrote you a love letter on a white paper with a white crayon. My tongue hummed your song, the melodic buzzing filling the cold air. I dotted my i's with tiny hearts, found new meanings for overused words. What was the meaning of love, anyway?

I watched as you kicked freshly fallen snow with your bare feet. You could not read my letter, you said. A blank page against a cloudless sky. Not even the birds would fly overhead.

I'm writing you a letter on a black paper with a white crayon. The stars smile dotingly, the birds chirp unrecognizable tunes. Still, you cannot read my letter.

I suppose I just ran out of things to say.


The Fourth Go-Round

Each strand, black as night, silky in its luminescence. My fingers reach of their own volition, hungry to brush them from his forehead.

I will sing you morning lullabies
You are beautiful, and peaceful this way
I know you have to close your eyes on everyone
Let me help you, I'll sing you to sleep
With morning lullabies

- Ingrid Michaelson

The car shakes, the lights filter while we hurtle towards the numerous stops-each a destination for a traveler with his or her own story. My eyes transfix upon his face and the innocence radiating from his slumbering visage.

A flutter, a hand flung carelessly over his body.

May you always be so carefree, so effortlessly peaceful and may you be as happy and beautiful whilst awake as you’ve shown to be in slumber.

As I disembark, I turn…I look back and smile. This is the end of the road. It is the fourth year of a memory that reminds me of the loss of you.

The sun shines, the air is sharp. My eyes blink and I begin the walk towards my destination.